3 Canadian Books Written by BIPOC authors that You Should Read to Unravel the Truth of Oppression in Canada

3 Canadian Books Written by BIPOC authors that You Should Read to Unravel the Truth of Oppression in Canada

The three books on the list show different perspectives on racism in a Canadian context and these books serve as a tool in educating readers about the issue before us.

Policing Black Lives

The book focuses on the efforts made by Canadian organizations to ensure that the anti-Black racism systems are upheld and maintained within the borders of Canada. It calls to attention the ongoing Black resistance and encourages readers to tear down injustice and brutality for an equitable society.

Indian Horse

The fictional story revolves around Saul Indian Horse, a man of indigenous descent, and his traumatic journey as he tries to escape the ordeal of Canada’s residential schooling system. As he goes through life, he continues to be met with challenges of cultural displacement, racism, and identity invisibility.

They Said This Would Be Fun

The book, written by a black journalist, Eternity Martis is a memoir of the experiences she had as a Black woman while she was studying at a white campus in Canada.

It showed the challenges she faced while she was at school and the many racist incidents that she had to go through, such as white students making derogatory slurs and doing the Black face. She further enlightens readers on the different patterns of white supremacy in schools in Ontario.

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